Friday, December 5, 2008

January 8, 2009 MICHAEL GRAHAM EVENT with FOXBOROUGH GOP!!!!!!!!!!

Foxborough Republican Town Committee

is pleased to welcome

Michael Graham
Talk Radio 96.9 FM host and Boston Herald Columnist

Thursday, January 8, 2009
7:00 p.m.
at the Lafayette House
Route 1, Foxborough, MA

We can’t think of a better way to kick off the New Year than to have a conversation with Michael Graham about the future of the GOP! Seats must be purchased in advance before January 1, 2009, first come first served basis. Republican Town Committee Members (includes any local RTC): $20 per person; Non-Republican Town Committee Attendees $25; Seniors $10.00

All proceeds will go the Foxborough Republican Town Committee. For questions please call
Chair of the Foxborough Republican Town Committee ~ Angela Davis at 508 740 2953
Michael Graham

Upon graduation from Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, OK, Graham spent six years touring the national comedy club circuit, performing with stars like Robin Williams and Jerry Seinfeld.

He spent the next six years as a Republican political operative, running federal, state and local election campaigns from Chicago to the Carolinas.

Since 1999, Graham has been a successful radio talk show host, a career that’s taken him from Charlotte, North Carolina to Washington, DC. He’s currently the top-rated mid-morning host in New England, broadcasting “The Natural Truth” from the studios of WTKK-FM in Boston, MA.

He’s the author of three books, most recently REDNECK NATION: How The South Really Won The War. For 15 years, Graham wrote the popular “Usual Suspects” column for newspapers across the Southeast, then began writing regularly for the Boston Herald in 2007. Graham is also a contributor at National Review Online, and his work appears regularly at websites like RealClearPolitics, InstaPundit, and Jewish World Review.

Graham’s unique life experiences have turned him into (in the words of a former editor of Radio and Records magazine) “the perfect Frankenstein monster for the modern media—informed, funny, and smart.”

Please mail check along with the following information:

Number attending: ____$20 RTC member_____$25 non member_____$10 Senior

If you are an RTC member, in which town do you belong to an RTC?





Please make checks payable to "Foxborough RTC", mail to: Foxborough RTC, Treasurer, P.O. Box 61, Foxboro, MA 02035
before January 1, 2009.