Thursday, February 26, 2009

Get your 1.06.11 stickers

Are you still looking forward to a property tax cut? Are you still waiting for the 1000 new police officers to hit our streets? How about the promise to cut millions in wasteful spending?

So much for Governor Patrick’s campaign promises.

Instead of cutting taxes, our Democratic Governor resorted to the old tax-and-spend policies of Mike Dukakis. Tolls, registry fees and the gas tax are on their way up while frivolous spending continues to plague our state budget. Unfortunately, for us private sector working fools, our state is still paying public sector employees to volunteer, giving $1 billion in taxpayer money to the bio-tech industry and funding ridiculous state pensions.

Let’s send a message that Governor Patrick should not be re-elected!

If you would like to purchase a


bumpersticker, please

•send $3.00 per bumpersticker
• the number of stickers you are requesting (limit 10 per order)
•please include $2.00 for postage/handling
•a check payable to Foxborough Republican Town Committee
•and please mail to
"Foxborough Republican Town Committee, PO Box 61, Foxborough MA, 02035

You should receive your order within 20 business days, thank you for your order!

Name _____________________________________________________________________

Address __________________________________________________________________

E-mail ____________________________________________________________________

Telephone contact(s) _________________________________________________________

Amount Enclosed: ____$

Number of bumperstickers: ____

Please remember to include $2.00 for postage/handling

and make checks payable to

"Foxborough RTC"

and mail to:

Foxborough RTC, Treasurer

P.O. Box 61, Foxboro, MA 02035

Thank you!