Thursday, July 3, 2008

Representative Barrows’ Office Vandalized

Representative Barrows’ Office Vandalized

The Mansfield campaign office of State Representative Jay Barrows (1st Bristol District, Foxborough-Mansfield-Norton) was broken into on Friday night June 27, 2008.

The campaign utilizes a small office area at the Barrows Insurance Agency for storage and materials. None of the insurance records, documents, or equipment was touched during the break-in, and the security and integrity of all customer information has been confirmed to be completely intact and unimpeached.

Only Barrows’ campaign information was targeted by the vandals. Campaign records and documents were accessed and scattered about the office. An assessment of the extent and nature of the damage done is underway now. A Police Report has been filed.


Ms Ellie said...

Wow. I didn't think things like that happened out this way - sounds like Boston-style politics have come to town. Does Barrows have an opponent this time?

Foxborough GOP said...

Yes, he does have a challenger. Meanwhile, I hear the break-in is currently under investigation and an active case.